Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello Readers (I don't think I have any readers but it suits my ego to type it)
So I hate my job. Anybody else feel the same way raise your hand.
Seriously Dude you raised your hand? No one can see you put it down!
Actually my job is ok, it's the touchy-feely, politically correct, mediocre middle-management bullshit that pisses me off.
You know what writing about it only gets me all riled up again. So screw it 8 hours a day is enough the crap-hole known as my job gets from me. Here I am free to be me and speak my mind.
So Corporate America Sucks!!!
You like how I did that?
I am still talking about my job, but since I used broader terms it doesn't actually sound job specific.
Back to my hate for Corporate America. 
You know what I have dishes to do and I am too tired to type write now.
And if I wasn't too tired to type I have scripts and books and stories that need to be worked on.
I am not sure when and what I will type here.
Maybe I will stick to my thoughts on life and exclude my vitriol for my job, I mean Corporate America.